Ace Auto – Used car dealer in Kolkata, West Bengal

Ace Auto is located at 3rd Floor, Metropolis Mall, Unit 36, Kolkata, West Bengal 700094

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One Review

  1. Sanjib Dutta
    Sanjib Dutta
    20 Sep 2022

    Have purchased Tata Aria from the dealer on July 10, 2022. Prior to purchase gave a token amount of 10000 and requested for few electrical and a through mechanical checkup. A list was also shared on the work that needs to be done before delivery. As usual post paying the entire amount and after taking delivery we came to know non of the requested work was done. This was noticed when the cars break failed and the same was given to garage. The problem doesn’t’ end here, I was promised that I would get the car documents in my name within 7 business days. I am still waiting and after numerous calls and false promises no documents till date. I am now taking my case to consumer forum as I am sure that the dealer is not going to give me the documents though I have paid for it. One word of caution for every buyer please don’t go with the sweet words try other dealers as well.

    What type of a service was done is not understandable as the issues raised were never fixed. Sharing work done after breakdown. Also the rear view mirror up down doesn’t happen as the circuit is faulty. The windshield water tank is broken, back rod for front 2 seats were broken which after repeated reminders was not fixed.

    Still waiting for name change documents. Its over 2 months now.