Controller of Communication Accounts – Government office in Kolkata, West Bengal

  • 3rd Floor, Annex BUilding, West Bengal Circle, 8, Esplanade East 2nd &, Kolkata, West Bengal 700069
  • 033 2213 5317
  • 9:30am–6pm all days - Saturday closed

Controller of Communication Accounts


Office Profile and Functions:

The office of Controller of Communications Accounts (CCA), West Bengal Circle was set up on 1st October’2000 under the name “DOT Cell” as a field Units of Department of Telecommunications (DOT). Presently Sikkim Estates also under the peripheral of this Circle. The main vision of this office has been successful implementation of all DoT Policies as the ground level. The Mission of this office has been:-

Expeditious settlement of pensionary benefits of retirees and quick redressal of their grievances;
Development of rural Telecommunication infrastructure trough efficient and timely disbursal of USO Fund subsidy and by regular inspection the Rural phones;

Safeguarding the economic interests of the Government of India by efficiently collecting revenues of license fees and spectrum charges on its behalf;

To act as the visible face of Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, in West Bengal & Sikkim Estate. This office is representing in all court cases where Union of India as one of the parties.
Collection of License Fees & Spectrum Charges from Telecom Operators;

This office is engaged in settling pension case & GPF cases of concerned SSAs, Five BSNL Units (CGMT, ETR, ETP, TF, TS) and maintaining GPF account, Leave Salary & Pension Contribution, Loans & Advances for serving employees of BSNL and five DoT Units i.e., ERHQ (Kolkata), ERLO (Kolkata), WMS (Kolkata), WMS (Siliguri), IWMS (Kolkata).

This office is in charge of collecting License Fees & Spectrum Charges from various licensees and also doing the verification of deductions claimed by the Licensees.

This office has been responsible for field level implementation of various USO agreements between DOT and the service providers to provide VPTs, RCPs, RDELs in their respective service areas.

The major functions of the CCA Office can be broadly classified in to the following categories:

1. Non tax revenue collections:

Collection of license fees and spectrum charges from fixed and mobile service providers, watch over their bank guarantees, assessment & verification of deductions claimed by them in arriving at the AGR.

2. Disbursement of USO:

Disbursement of USO Subsidy to Service Providers for proving telephones in rural and remote areas, conducting inspection for verifications of VPTs, RCPS, RDELs and mobile towers set up under the mobile infrastructure project to ensure that they comply with the terms of agreement and follow guidelines issued by Administrator USO.

3. Pay & Accounts Functions:

Act as the pay & accounts office in respect of 05 DoT Units and conducting all Internal Audit Inspections of these offices.

4. Payment of Pensionery Benefits:

Settlement of Pension cases and payment of Pensionery benefits like Pension, DCRG & Commuted Value of Pension etc. to the employees of BSNL is made by this office along with the settlement of FPF Final payment cases of BSNL employees and DOT Optees of MTNL. Also post checking of Pension paid vouchers are done.

5. Legal Functions:

This office represents Department of Telecommunications in all legal cases.

Ministry of Communications

Department of Telecommunications

Office of the Controller of Communication Accounts,

WB & Sikkim Region

2nd MSO Building (10th Floor), Nizam Palace, 234/4, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700 020.

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